Jul 5Liked by Tahlee Rouillon

Here here. I knew I had migraine because my friends mum had it - she used to get us to rub and massage her head. As a young child, I could feel her pain.

For 20 years I told the doctors migraine was what it was. Only to be dismissed and gaslighted every time. By the time I received diagnosis in 2017, I found myself completely disabled by the illness only months later.

The benefit now is, that it helps me stay true to me. I worked tons out about migraine decades before medical field did. I no longer need anyone to validate my lived experience. I believe we can all learn to do this for ourselves. And I’m here to teach and empower people exactly that!

(I also believe I’ve been living with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, anxiety and depression - and I do not need a repeat of what I’ve endured so I’m happy to remain undiagnosed. I’ve healed myself to such an extent that it’s not medically considered possible so I certainly won’t be needing any medication and, as has been confirmed, they have nothing else for me.)

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Oh honey! I'm so sorry you've had such a terrible experience with the medical field. Just awful 😞 Glad that you have found a way to advocate for yourself and take care of your wellbeing. It's not easy, so hats off to you 💕

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