All i can say is.... YESSS!

Unsurprisingly, so many of my friends are figuring out their own neurodivergence (including my sister) and it's like, NO WONDER WE WERE DRAWN TO EACH OTHER. 🙌

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It's so true hey?! I call it the neurodivergent wolf pack 🐺 Sometimes I feel like calling up old friends and ex's and letting them know they should probably get checked too 😅

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I am so happy for you that you were able to identify each of these things in yourself! I strongly believe a lot of people can come to know what they have without a "proper" diagnosis with enough introspection and reflection. Plus as long as we can find ways that help us, does the label even really matter? Other than to help guide us.

Reading this you just opened my eyes to the possibility that I might be HSP. Similar to you, I've always read it's part of autism but I didn't identify with any of the other autistic symptoms. But basically every single HSP thing I check off haha. It's actually super comforting to finally see it put out in words like that, I just always felt so off from the norm in that way but this helps SO MUCH.

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Thank you so much Amy! I'm glad I could help you reflect on your own experience too. I think labels can be helpful so you know how to take care of yourself better. It's good to know we aren't deficient, simply different 💕

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deletedMay 23Liked by Tahlee Rouillon
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