May 17Liked by Tahlee Rouillon

Hello! I’m late diagnosed AuDHD and resonate so much with what you are saying. I just downloaded your app and am really enjoying it. Mediation has always been so hard for me, and just one more way in which I feel broken. Thank you for creating this app! Do you think it something that I could listen to while I work?

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Hi Nicole! Thank you so much. I'm stoked to hear you're enjoying Restful ☺️ Yes, you can definitely listen while you work. I know many users who find that meditones help them focus better. I would suggest only using tracks labelled with Alpha brainwaves, as the others (Theta and Delta) will make you too sleepy. You can filter for Alpha tracks on the explore page with the Brainwave filter. Or the playlist Morning Energy is full of tracks for focus. Hope this helps 🥰

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